<!DOCTYPE HTML> - Starts the HTML file.
<HTML> - Contains all code within the HTML file.
<HEAD> - Contains scripts, title, icon, and CSS properties.
<BODY> - Contains contents of page.
Title Goes Here</TITLE>
Contents Of Page Go Here...
<div> - Splits HTML into divisions/sections.
<script> - Embed JavaScript within your HTML page.
<style> - Embed CSS within your HTML page.
<iframe> - Embed other websites within your HTML page.
<area> - Add a certain area within your HTML page.
<button> - Add a button on your HTML site.
<p> - Embed a paragraph within your HTML page.
<h1> - The largest header you can add.
<h2> - The second largest header you can add.
<h3> - The meduim sized header you can add.
<h4> - The third smallest header you can add.
<h5> - The second smallest header you can add.
<h6> - The smallest header you can add.
<b> - Bold text.
<i> - Italic Text.
<u> - underlined text.
<strike> - Strikeout text.
<input> - Add a input Box.